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MXR Horn Harness Wiring Kit with Relay Genuine

Original price was: ₱980.00.Current price is: ₱649.00.

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Category: Tag: Product ID: 35160



MXR Horn Harness Wiring Kit with Relay



  • 130cm wire for Battery Connect
  • 45cm Horn Wiring


  • Suitable to any horn. best with MXR Horn (see product listings)
  • 80A relay 12V
  • The horn relay is the electronic component that is a part the vehicle’s horn circuit.
  • It serves as the rely that controls power to the vehicle’s horn.
  • When current is applied to the rely, the horns power circuit is completed, allowing the horn to function and ring.
  • The horn relay switches a large current to the horns at a signal from the low-current horn button in the steering wheel.
  • A simple SPST relay will have a constant supply of 12 volts to it, a lead that runs through the harness to the horn, another lead that runs to the horn switch in the wheel, and a ground.
  • One of the most common situations that require the use of a relay occurs when an application needs to switch from high to low current (or vise versa) within the same circuit.
  • Longer wire 80A relay
  • Easy to Install with Diagram on Box
  • High Markup